Tuesday: Long Axis/Bilateral Breathing Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Main: Repeat this set 3 times: 4 x 75 @15s RI 1-2 Back-Free-Back 3-4 Free – 50 breathe to weak side + 25 strong side 1 x 100 EZ free @20s RI 4 x 50 Breathe 5th / 3rd stroke @10s RI :30 rest between sets Kick (w/ fins): 12x 25 on :45 odds sprint, evens EZ freestyle Thursday: Middle Distance Freestyle Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Pull: 4 x 50 breathe every 3rd/ 5th stroke @ 10s RI Main: 9 x 150 FR Descend 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 Drills: Breaststroke 4 x 25 K w/ board- narrow knees, flexed feet, finish kick 4 x 25 K streamline– low head position 4 x 25 D slide & glide– rhythm, breathe-lunge-kick-glide 4 x 25 S emphasize wide pull, acceleration of pull, and DPS Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 4 x 100 KRLS 10s RI Main: 2 times: 6 x (2 x 25 K AFAP w/ board + 1 x 50 S 80%) 15 s RI Then, 1 x 100 AFAP + 1 x 100 easy Repeat Thursday: IM Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Kick: 16 x 25, 4ea. IM order 10s RI Main: 12 x 100, odds freestyle, evens IM 15s RI Pull: 8 x 50 3/2 bpl 15s RI Tuesday: DPS Distance Freestyle Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Main: 400 S, focus on long strokes, max DPS, 30s RI 4 x 100, 50 D (c/up) + 50 S 15s RI 300 P, focus on DPS, check stroke ct. every 4th, 30s RI 3 x 100 P 15s RI 200 S, focus on DPS, 30s RI 2 x 100 S, 15s RI Kick: 8 x 25 K, C at 95%, 20s RI Thursday: IM Speed Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Main: 4 x 100 S, 50 FR + 50 C @75%, 20s RI 4 x 75 S, 25 FR + 50 C, 10y @90% ea. 25, 15s RI 4 x 50 S, C b/up to 90%, 10s RI 4 x 25 S, C @90%, 10s RI 100 easy FR Kick (all Choice): 2 x 100 K, @75%, 20s RI 2 x 75 K, 10y @90% ea. 25, 15s RI 2 x 50 K, b/up to 90%, 15s RI 2 x 25 K, @90%, 10s RI Tuesday: Distance Freestyle/ Core Strength Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Kick: (w/ fins) 8 x 25 K/S, 1/2 FL K, 1/2 FR S, 10s RI 4 x 50 K/S, 25 FL K, 25 FR S, 10s RI 4 x 75 K, Side/Side/Back FL, 10s RI Main: 4 times: 300 S, 100 Cruise + 100 b/up to 90% + 100 @ 90%, 15s RI Easy 100 FR 15s RI Thursday: IM Speed Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Choice Kick (odds FR, evens C): 12 x 25, b/up to 90%, 10s RI Main: 4 x 100 S, FR @75%, 15s RI 4 x 100 S, 75 FR, 10s RI, 25 C @90%, 15s RI 4 x 100 S, 50 FR, 10s RI, 50 C @90%, 15s RI 4 x 100 S, 25 FR, 10s RI, 75 C @90%, 15s RI Take ~30s RI between ea. Round of 100’s Tuesday: Freestyle/ Speed Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Main: 4 x 200 FR AFAP, 20s RI + 100 Easy 4 x 100 FR AFAP, 20s RI + 50 Easy 4 x 50 FR AFAP, 20s RI + 50 Easy 400 FR (4 x 50 c/up + 50 b/up) Thursday: IM Speed Warmup: K 100, P 100, S 200 Choice 4 x 150 (100 FR b/up + 50 FL/BK) 100 Easy 4 x 150 (100 FR b/up + 50 BK/BR) 100 Easy 4 x 150 (100 FR b/up + 50 BR/FR) 100 Easy Pull: 8 x 50 3/2 bpl